5 Ways to Get Your Crafting Mojo Back!

Over the years, I have found myself in situations where I don’t want to knit, crochet, or do any crafting. Many people call this: “losing your crafting mojo.” Or, if you want to be craft-specific: Cro-jo and Knit-jo.

Whatever you like to call it, losing the motivation to do a craft you love can be frustrating. I have been there more than once and have found 5 ways to get my motivation back. But before I do, here are some reasons one might lose their crafting mojo.

Reasons to lose your mojo:

  • Burnout (After the holiday season)
  • Life Event (Moving, Life/Death, Health, etc.)
  • Over/underwhelmed (Anxiety, Depression, etc.)
  • Lack of/Too much Inspiration (This can mess with one’s self-confidence).
  • Other (i.e. technology)

Now, before we get into the ways to get your mojo back. I want to share this next piece of information that comes from my dance background. When I was in college, I had professors who would talk about how the Brain and the Body are two separate “beings.” The Brain is the information hub. It gathers, analyzes, and organizes information. As well as communicate the information to the Body on how, what, and when to do something.

Now the Body, for lack of a better term, is a toddler. It has a mind of its own and can communicate with the Brain. However, like a parent with a toddler learning to talk, your Brain can only interoperate what it already knows. Therefore, if the Brain doesn’t comprehend what the Body is saying the Body will throw a tantrum or do whatever it wants to do. Thus, it’s important to learn what the Body is communicating to us so we don’t injure ourselves or get sick. Or, at least learn the symptoms for when you are sick. Then you can take care of the Body.

Now, there will be times when the Brain will say to do one thing and the Body will say to do another. And they fully understand each other. But they are having a full-on sibling battle internally. From my experience, it is best to listen to the Body whenever there is a conflict between the two. Especially when the Body is telling you to rest. However, there are times when you need to side with the Brain and get the laundry or dishes done. And if you are struggling to decipher what the Brain and Body are trying to communicate with you, it is okay to seek out professional help when it pertains to your physical and mental health. I do and there’s no shame in it.

Now that we got all that out of the way. Let’s look at ways to get your mojo back.

Ways to get it back:

  • Take a break
  • Rest/Take a Nap/Constructive Rest
  • Meditate/Religious Practice
  • Getting out of the House
    • Exercise/Walk/Get the Body Moving
      • The more fresh air the better!
    • Go Shopping (You don’t have to buy anything if you don’t want to)
  • Don’t Force/Rush it
  • Work on a Different Project
    • It doesn’t have to be a Knitting or Crocheting Project
  • Chores/Tasks
    • For me, if I don’t complete household chores/tasks then I won’t be able to focus on my craft. I take 1 or 2 days during the week to complete these chores/tasks.
Let me know in the comments what other ways help you get your mojo back!
